
In Saint-Constant, you can only irrigate from the 1st of May to the 15th of September, inclusive.

Be aware that, if you have an automatic irrigation system at home you are allowed to irrigate as said below:

Civil House NumberCalendar DaysSchedule
OddOddMidnight to 5:00 h
EvenEvenMidnight to 5:00 h

Of course, your irrigation system must be registered with the Service de l’urbanisme.

If you just spend thousands on your new grass you can ask for a permit to irrigate without restrictions for 6 days. The permit let you water the day of installation or seeding for a maximum of 4 hours from 20:00h to midnight.

If you irrigate manually you are allowed to do it between 20:00 h and midnight.

For more information about installing an irrigation system and knowing how to protect your new lawn, give us a call. For more details about the city’s regulations click here.